Friday, May 22, 2009


infos will be placed here soon ... sorry

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Day 21 - 23

Restday (Thr 21 Sep.)

Back to Skardu
Today we just had to cycle to the bus stop, were we took a bus back to Skardu.

Restday (Fri 22 Sep.)

Bears and wolfs
Today we had an unforgetable day. We rented a jeep (with driver and guide) and drove up to 4000m were the Deosai Plateau is located.
We were lucky and saw a bear and 2 wolfs ...later we went fishing (Martin successfully) and had a nice lunch later on.
At the end of the day we camped at the Satpara Lake (around 2800m)

today -
total: 1060

up today: -
up total: 12355
down today: -
down total: 10469


Restday (Fri 23 Sep.)

Nanga Parbat
We cycled back down to Skardu and from there to the airport where we took a plane back to Islamabad.
The flight back was just great, with amazing views of K2 and Nanga Parbat.

today 22
total: 1082

up today: -
up total: 12355
down today: 400
down total: 10869

Altitude meters

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Day 20

Cycling day 12 (Wed 20 Sep.)

The 1000 km picture
It seems like we spared our nicest ride for the last day :)
We went today from Skardu to Khaplu ... a in the beginning desserted area ... but nice along a river and great views.
It seems not a lot of bikers have been cycling that area. At least the views of the locals gave us that impression.
After a stop on a police checkpoint ... we were reaching the 1000 km mark.
We stopped and made a nice picture ... unfortunatly on alcohol in Pakistan to celebrate it
We continued our ride to Khaplu ...which seems to be an oasis in the desserted area.
Al the fields are gren and grass and crops are growing ... a lot of women and men bringing home thei harvest in baskets ... how can you end a trip nicer than that :)

Altitude meters
today: 105
UP today: 1140
DOWN today: 866
no info yet

Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 18

Cycling day 10 (Mo 18 Sep.)

Pink tubes ...
The whole day was nice cycling in the Skardu valley
After km 60 we got tired coz of the heat but we wanted to camp at the Kachura Lake , even though we didn't know exactly how far it was
We were keeping cycling and cycling and at around km 85 Martin got a flat ... we changed the tube and had to use the pink ones hahaha ... we bought in Gilgit
... but after 10 km this tube showed that it is more for display than cycling with .... a big PENG ... told us whats up ....
coz dusk approached we decided having a nice coffee and some noodles ... thanks Schimanski ... and called it a day.

Altitude meters
today: 97
today: 1800
today: 1160
no info yet

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 16

Restday in Gilgit

Today we cycled from Karimabad only 5 km to the next bus station and took a mini bus back to Gilgit where we started.
Here we will take a rest day, before we continue tomorrow to cycle into Skardu valley, another nice valley with amazing views.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Day 15

Back to where we started

The longest stretch

After waking up, we packed our stuff and cycled the last 30 km down the pass to Sost.There we had a nice breakfast in the sun, before we went to immigration (no problem with my tipEX-Visa).
After that we decided to cycle all the way to Karimabad from where we would like to take the bus back to Gilgit.
The 1st 70 km went very smooth and easy, but then the headwind started. We really suffered a lot on the last km ... but the fact that tomorrow will be a rest day, kept us going ... at the end of the day we had two flats within 10 min (and all that after going "off-road"). Now we rememeber the passage in one of the articles again ... "never go off-road and you will not have any probs" :)

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Day 5 - 9

Cycling in Pakistan

After arriving in Gilgit, we where so exited that we started immediatly cycling. The scenery is just amazingly nice and the pakistani people are more than just friendly. The only problem in our first biking hours was to take care to keep the bikes on the left lane ... After 60 km we called it a day and realized, that is is not easy to cycle with 35 kg luggage in that heiught :)

Today the whole day Mt. Rakaposhi (7788m) and his snow caped peakes was looking at us. We had a lot of fun with the truck drivers ... coz every one wants to have a picture with us :)
Again after 60 km we called it a day ... but today we had a serious mountain finish to Karimabad

Today we climbed up to 2800m ... a total climb of altitude of 1600m ...and all that with an upset stomach ... we arrived quite tired and then we heard the bad news ... the chinese don't allow bicycles to cycle into china.
Because we want to cycle the whole stretch we decided to go by bus to Kashgar and cycle back.